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Case Study


Indigo's 17th anniversary bash soared to new heights with the brand's new music brought to life by the team. 75+ influencers lineup with two hero influencers boasting 30 and 8 million followers, Unique hashtags, funky dance moves, and catchy captions, all added to the virality and campaign's success. The 3 day campaign garnered 3 million-plus views, 150k impressions, 200+ link clicks, 1.8 million reach, and 900k views proving that when influencers groove, numbers move!


As the campaign started, our primary objective was to promote Indigo's birthday music bringing virality, and maximise the impact of Indigo in three significant ways: Creating Awareness: Our influencers were the key to spreading the word. Through their authentic dance steps, postings and interactions, we aimed to create awareness about IndiGo's 17th-year milestone as well as the brand itself. Enhancing Engagement: Engagement was key. We wanted to measure the impact and amplification of our campaign with our unique hashtags, and encouraged influencers to craft their content in a way that resonated perfectly with IndiGo's brand image and tone. Ensured that every interaction was meaningful, reinforcing IndiGo's message and enhancing the campaign's overall success. Generating Virality: We strived to make the birthday music and campaign go viral. We wanted to achieve timely postings and repostings, following the trend to reach maximum audiences in a short span of time.


On IndiGo's 17th anniversary, an exceptional Influencer Marketing Campaign took off, aiming to connect with a wider audience. In celebration of the significant milestone, IndiGo released a captivating birthday music video, with the aim to spread its melody among netizens as an invitation for them to join the celebration in their own unique ways. To fulfil Indigo's birthday wish the #ARM's worldwide influencer marketing team strategically partnered with professional dancers & influential individuals encouraging them to share dance videos set to the music, creating a dynamic and engaging experience for their followers. From August 2 to August 4, 2023, the three-day campaign was all about commemorating IndiGo's journey and capturing the attention of the right people. IndiGo's name reached countless users and turned heads in the process giving a glimpse into IndiGo's remarkable 17 years, and a promise of even more astonishing experiences ahead


The crux of our strategy lay in the artful selection of influencers and platforms, a symphony of precision and purpose. To achieve this, we dove deep into our data pool to unearth the absolute best. This meticulous selection process ensured that every influencer carried the essence of IndiGo in their voice and connected authentically with our target audience. We meticulously curated a diverse group of influencers, including hero, micro, and nano-influencers, each chosen for their unique ability to resonate with different segments of our target audience. Simultaneously, we strategically placed our campaign on social media platforms, particularly Instagram, where visuals and engagement flourish, allowing our influencers to connect most effectively with their followers.


Our creative strategy was all about making the anniversary song shine: Unique Hashtags and Engaging Posts: We crafted unique hashtags and guided influencers on post copies that resonated with IndiGo's image. We also brainstormed creative ways for them to engage with the catchy song. Influencer-Crafted the Dance Moves: We asked the Hero influencers to create new dance steps, which was further enhanced by active participation of micro influencers in form of their own versions of dance steps, and nano influencers by actively sharing stories garnering maximum engagement. Active Audience Participation: Real-time tracking, responses, and community-building made our campaign immersive.



Our campaign delivered exceptional outcomes, ensuring Indigo can have the best birthday gift! - Total Views: The campaign amassed a remarkable 3 million-plus views, capturing attention across digital platforms. - Impressions: Our campaign resonated with a total of 150k impressions, echoing across the platform. - Engagement: Over 200+ link clicks demonstrated active audience engagement with our content. - Reach: The campaign reached a soaring 1.8 million individuals, leaving a lasting impression on their minds. - Micro-Influencers: Our 25 micro-influencers collectively contributed to a substantial 900k views, deeply engaging their dedicated followers. - These results underscored the campaign's resounding success, establishing IndiGo as a brand that celebrates with style and impact.


IndiGo (Interglobe Aviation Limited), ARM Worldwide, TRAVEL, HOSPITALITY & TRANSPORTATION, 2023, ECHO, Silver