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Case Study


Headline: Turning Mispronunciations into a viral phenomenon! In a world of finance seriousness, Fibe's CPO campaign turned pronunciation chaos into a 15.3M-strong sensation, proving that laughter is the best linguistics lesson! With a tongue-twisting challenge, a cool 50K INR reward, and the hilarious Josè Covaco, Fibe's hunt for the Chief Pronunciation Officer campaign Vibed strongly with the social audience.


We knew (from the data and from daily life) that Fibe was facing a challenge of not being pronounced right. This was a slightly awkward place to be in, as a brand that was growing rapidly and set to grow even further. We needed to make sure people got our name right! This is what catalysed the need for this campaign. And to bring it to life, we needed to do two things: - Shine a light on the mispronunciations without causing offense - Ensure we got massive enough reach and recall in this one exercise, so that we wouldn't have to teach people how to pronounce the name again! So our objective was clear: increase brand awareness and recall through a campaign on Fibe's socials in a way that it doesn't burn a hole in the brands pocket!


- Imagine this: A digital lending brand, once known as Early Salary, took a bold decision of rebranding itself and landed in the quirky land of Fibe. The result? A tidal wave of Fibe fumbles ensued. - The brand was dubbed as all kinds of "Fibs", "Feebee"," Phibe"and "Fibeys". But we didn't cry over mispronounced milk. We turned this rather disheartening data of fibe fumbles into a budget friendly branding bonanza! - Because we understood India - a land of rich regional dialects and multiple accents could mean brands experiencing pronunciation plagues. - To counter this we knew we needed something so innovative that the audience would crave to learn the correct pronunciation. - Enter: A job posting that is like no other! A role of Chief Pronunciation Officer! A role that seemed so real and witty that left the audiences awestruck.


We saw an opportunity to turn Fibe fumbles into a marketing marvel. - We came up with a bouquet of ideas like a glamorous DVC, have Opera sing it or even have Gully Boy rap for us! But soon we realized that while these may be fun they might not be as effective. - So we decided to let the public take the mic and made them say Fibe not once but over and over again! - We threw conventional social media routes out of the window and hit LinkedIn and our socials, scouting for the ultimate Chief Pronunciation Officer. Yep, we actually invented a role. A job posting so real that it left people awestruck! We received 1,100+ enquiries and 50+ job applications on our LinkedIn job page showcasing the love audience has for hatke campaigns! - It wasn't just your run-of-the-mill hiring spree. Oh no! This was a strategic and tactical User-Generated Content (UGC) contest, the first of its kind. Potential candidates had to nail the tongue twister challenge - Fibe Felao, Vibe Felao without tripping. So, it was content by the people for the people! We received 300+ hilarious entries.. - And now to the best part our Hiring manager. That's when we had our aha moment. We found just the right match after going through hundreds of options - Jose Covaco. Why? Because, much like Fibe, he too, has experienced the mispronunciation misery all his life where people called him Hose, Joase, Hoase but never Jose making him resonate with the campaign. His snackible and hilarious reaction reels on tongue twister challenges made the audience ROFL. - In a swift 5-week campaign, we set the design tone, brought Jose onboard, and sifted through 350+ responses to select the ultimate CPO all within a modest budget.


The campaign reinforced 3 very simple things for us: - First, that Indians will be Indians (we are like this only) - We know our diverse regional dialects make pronunciations tedha-medha. But the minute someone around us messes up a pronunciation we don't leave that opportunity to roast them. We all have done that! It's like our love language. And that's precisely what CPO was about embracing people for what they are. Celebrating the pronunciation oops. - Second, if you can make someone laugh, they'll enjoy spending time with you(or on your content). - And lastly, for any vertical of any business to succeed, it's always better to have not just your feet, but also one ear on the ground.



- Fibe's Chief Pronunciation Officer (CPO) campaign surpassed expectations without exhausting marketing budgets - With a task as huge as correcting pronunciation we knew we had to be smart about it! So we used our Indian jugaadu minds and instead of the brand churning high value content we got the audience to create content for the Brand! - With a budget of INR 13,00,00 or $15,588 the response exceeded projections, with 1,100+ inquiries, 50+ LinkedIn job applications. KPIs : 1. KPI : Entries Planned : 150 Achieved (absolute) : 350 Achieved (%) : 2.3X 2. KPI : Reach Planned : 2 million Achieved (absolute) : 15.3 million Achieved (%) : 7.65X 3. KPI : Inquiries (On Linkedin Job Page) Planned : 450 Achieved (absolute) : 1,100 Achieved (%) : 2.46X of planned - Not just great results, we bagged more than what we anticipated. We: - made it to headlines of Social Samosa and other leading publications! - Bagged an earned media of a) Entries received : 300 entries X 25,000* = ₹75,00,000 b) Media : 4 articles X 2,50,000* = ₹10,00,000 Cherry on the top? Entries continued to pour in even after the last date! *An Approximate Cost


Fibe India, Blink Digital, CAMPAIGN FOR UNDER $250,000, 2023, ECHO