Amazon PrimeRolls

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Case Study


5000+ of our products enjoyed their 10 seconds of fame on the internet's most visited platform In a stroke of genius, we transformed Amazon Prime's 5000+ products into a vibrant spectacle. By unraveling the secrets of user searches, we shot one video per category, then sprinkled AI magic to create an entire treasure of ads without breaking a sweat. But here's the kicker – we didn't just stop there! We swung into action on YouTube


- Our challenge was to showcase the versatility range of Amazon but we had to do it in a way that becomes hard to miss by the audience. This is what catalyzed the need for this campaign. To bring it to life we had to ensure we spoke to our audience at the right place, at the right time with just the right hook! - Our objective was: 1. Create awareness about how Amazon Prime lives by "Sach mein too much" when it comes to the vastness of its inventory. 2. Induce purchases from consumers while nudging them to try the bouquet of benefits of Prime membership. In the land of data, we ensured no peeking into personal corners. Our strategy? Dance with data responsibly, celebrating insights without intruding on individual spaces.


- Amazon Prime boasts a bundle of perks under one membership, including free one-day delivery on over 4 million products. The challenge? Data revealed that many potential customers hesitated to dive into Prime, even with a 30-day trial, despite loving Amazon's vast product selection. Amazon Prime's "Sach mein Too much" campaign was a drive to overcome this hurdle. - Hence, a solution was needed to reach these potential customers and nudge them in a way that wasn't salesy instead invoked a sense of familiarity. However, the challenge was to communicate this vastness of variety under the Prime umbrella in a way that would most resonate with the audiences. - Crafting individual ads for 4 million products seemed like shooting an arrow in the dark. So, we dove into Amazon's data goldmine. Analyzing buying patterns, we unearthed the 5232 most-searched products, giving us precise insights into consumers' interests and desires. - By marrying these keywords with the past YouTube searches done by Indians on the platform we were able to park ads right next to the interest alley of those individuals; courtesy of contextual pre-rolls.


Our objective was clear, and our vision was simple yet audacious – to transform the overwhelming Amazon inventory of 5000+ products into a personalized paradise for Indian customers. We leveraged the trifecta of AI, data insights, & YouTube Pre-Roll magic. How? Indians love scrolling through online video content, with YouTube taking the largest share of the pie at 88% of time spent watching contributed by this platform alone. On average an Indian spends over 4 hours daily (29.2 hours per week, source) on this platform. That's when our "aha moment" dawned upon us. We realized YouTube isn't just a hub for leisure content but a treasure trove of tutorials, DIY guides, product reviews & how-to videos. It makes YouTube the tell-tale for every daily pursuit, where Indians turn to for assistance & need a visual demonstration of the same. So it only made sense for us to talk to audiences where they would actually listen! So, we turned YouTube pre-rolls into unique ad windows showcasing different products available on Amazon. Moreover, each of these ads was displayed in relevance to the search conducted by a user. Did we create 5,000+ distinct ads for each product though? Yes and no! Creating 5000+ fresh ads in a short span seemed impossible. That's when we made a key decision to turn to AI. We spent one day shooting one video per category and trusted AI wizardry to turn that one video into many distinct ads by replacing keywords seamlessly. So, all in all we turned a sprout of just 26 videos into a tree of 5000+ videos. But it wasn't only the time spent that was reduced using AI. Cost of creating these videos was also under INR 14 lacs & the media spends were less than INR 50 lacs for 5000+ videos.


The success of this campaign reinforced 3 things: - Firstly, search volumes & keywords give precise insights into what the audience's current interests are. By aligning the campaign with these high-interest categories, we achieved a level of precision that resonated with the audience's desires, significantly boosting engagement. - Secondly, audiences don't hate all ads, but only the ones that smother them with information that doesn't align with their needs. - Thirdly, marrying human insights with the power of AI creates synergy & drives results that exceed human expectations & comprehension The results & way of thinking has encouraged the brand to deploy such efforts in the future instead of just shooting singular generic DVCs!



The campaign was any marketer's holy grail: achieving over-the-top results while deploying lesser budgets. Cost Per Click- 55% less than anticipated planned indicating effective & optimised utilisation of budgets View Through Rate - The campaign delivered an impressive VTR of 81%, 70% higher than average results on YouTube, indicating a higher level of engagement among the target audience. Click Through Rate - The campaign garnered an CTR of 0.66% 120% higher than planned CTR, showcasing the campaign's ability to drive traffic & capture viewers' interest effectively. Click Sessions - 15% more compared to different sets of YT ads that were run by the brand for the same campaign indicating contextualized ads lead users to path.


Amazon India, Blink Digital, DATA-INSPIRED INSIGHT, 2023, ECHO, Silver