Unilever EUDG #SetiapUBeriKebaikan

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Case Study


The EUDG campaign yielded positive outcomes for Unilever's brands, evidenced by significant increases in the Unilever Sustainable Living Purpose scores for participating brands like Bango, Buavita, Pepsodent, Dove, Glow & Lovely, and Royco during Q1 2023. Impressively, the campaign achieved a substantial social media reach of 57 million impressions with a 0.7% average CTR and engaged 21 Mn people on YouTube with a 0.2% CTR. The campaign's success stems from its alignment with Unilever's


Yes, this was the first year. The campaign's target audience consisted of males and females aged 18 to 35. Within this demographic, Wall's aimed to engage with specific interests and personas, such as foodies, gamers, young professionals, and sports enthusiasts. To effectively reach this diverse audience, a strategic approach was adopted, focusing on capturing their attention during their most attentive moments—when they were actively using their favorite mobile apps. By aligning the campaign with the audience's mobile device usage habits, Wall's sought to maximize engagement and deliver relevant messaging to individuals while they were immersed in their preferred digital experiences. The strategic objective was to position Wall's Feast Pop as the ultimate snack, emphasizing its appeal as a unique and snackable ice cream option. The communication strategy highlighted the irresistible bite-sized cubes, emphasizing the new form of snacking experience. Cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality and mouth detection were used to elevate the user experience, simulating the act of popping a Feast Pop in your mouth—deepening the connection to the product. To effectively reach the target audience, the media strategy also considered their media consumption habits. The campaign maximized engagement by utilizing gaming apps as a prominent channel, recognizing that users


Unilever strives to position itself as a trusted, sustainable, and socially responsible company that resonates with consumers and earns their loyalty. The Every U Does Good (EUDG) campaign was implemented in 2021 and proved successful in enhancing brand awareness, consideration, and purpose for Unilever and its participating brands. In 2022, the campaign will be reintroduced with a few modifications compared to the previous year. The campaign duration will be shorter, spanning two months, and the focus will be on digital promotion to ensure relevance for consumers. A total of 15 brands will participate in the campaign, including Bango, Royco, Sariwangi, Buavita, Clear, Dove, Sunsilk, Glow and Lovely, Vaseline, Pepsodent, Sunlight, Rinso, Lifebuoy, Walls, and Rexona. The key message for this year emphasizes the importance of choosing to do good and selecting brands that contribute positively to individuals, families, and Indonesia as a whole. This message will be communicated through various touchpoints, including TV commercials (TVCs), digital platforms, public relations (PR), and on ground activation. Millennials & Gen Z purchase decision maker who value sustainability and want to contribute to a better future through their purchasing decisions. Splitting the audience into cohorts to cater 15 participating brands: - WHH 25-55 Scratch


The creative strategy develops impactful messages and visuals, highlighting the value of everyday purchase choices and their positive impact, while aligning with Unilever's values . The media strategy complements this by carefully selecting channels like digital platforms, TV commercials, PR efforts, and on-ground activations, ensuring targeted and effective delivery. By catering to specific affinities, the campaign reaches the intended audience. Through the cohesive collaboration of creative and media strategies, the EUDG campaign successfully communicates its message, inspiring and motivating the audience to make sustainable choices by selecting Unilever brands that contribute to a better future.


Awareness to Consideration: Unilever partnered with various digital platforms including POKKT to amplify the campaign. There are three brands utilized in a single ad unit, activated by AR technology by scanning the logo of the featured brands, Rinso, Pepsodent, and Walls. As we want to educate the brand purpose to the audience, we personalized the game so that each Brand will speak their own purpose in a gamified manner. The AR ad unit achieved 12.7% ER compared to 5% benchmark across the recorded 21.9 million impressions. The strategy delivered a total of 274 million impressions, over 3 million clicks, and 144 million video views across all platforms, integrated on multiple mediums such as display, video, smartphone lock-screen, mobile apps, and mobile web customized for all 15 Unilever participating brands audience segments. Trial to Purchase: Retargeting audience from the campaign to purchase in e-commerce by using Facebook, POKKT, Unilever managed to increase sales uplift by 8% in online sales. Further mobile implementation by using gamification type of ad-unit, delivered to specific age groups is also used to educate the purpose and incite purchase.



The EUDG campaign initiatives embody strong say, meaningful do, and impactful investment. Our media strategy integrates multiple channels to create a seamless consumer journey. With 45% of the budget allocated to the digital campaign, mobile platforms receive 78% of the investment due to high internet penetration in Indonesia. Phase 1. Drive awareness with Strong Say In the first initiatives of the campaign, we utilized high-reach media channels, including TV (reaching 73% of the target audience) and YouTube (reaching 21 million viewers). Additionally, the EUDG Heroes formally introduced the campaign through IdeaFest activation in 2022. This campaign phase has generated a total of 274 million Impressions in 2 months. Phase 2. Build Consideration with Meaningful Do POKKT, Facebook, and Instagram served as performance drivers, providing personalized content to engage Millennials and Gen Z. Gamified experiences educate the audience about the brand's purpose, encouraging them to choose socially responsible brands for personal and societal benefits. To further amplify the campaign, we collaborated with influential KOLs and publishers, promoting the EUDG Heroes movement. This initiative reached young individuals with exceptional ideas, movements, or programs. The program not only granted micro-funds to the top ten heroes but also provided ongoing mentorship from experienced individuals.
