Wall's Feast Pop - A.R. Mouth Detection Game

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Case Study



Yes, this was the first year. The campaign's target audience consisted of males and females aged 18 to 35. Within this demographic, Wall's aimed to engage with specific interests and personas, such as foodies, gamers, young professionals, and sports enthusiasts. To effectively reach this diverse audience, a strategic approach was adopted, focusing on capturing their attention during their most attentive moments—when they were actively using their favorite mobile apps. By aligning the campaign with the audience's mobile device usage habits, Wall's sought to maximize engagement and deliver relevant messaging to individuals while they were immersed in their preferred digital experiences. The strategic objective was to position Wall's Feast Pop as the ultimate snack, emphasizing its appeal as a unique and snackable ice cream option. The communication strategy highlighted the irresistible bite-sized cubes, emphasizing the new form of snacking experience. Cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality and mouth detection were used to elevate the user experience, simulating the act of popping a Feast Pop in your mouth—deepening the connection to the product. To effectively reach the target audience, the media strategy also considered their media consumption habits. The campaign maximized engagement by utilizing gaming apps as a prominent channel, recognizing that users


Wall's needed to raise brand awareness and change the perception of ice cream as a non-traditional snacking option with the launch of their new product variant, Feast Pop. The strategic objective was to position Feast Pop as a delicious and convenient snacking alternative available in bite-sized portions. The business problem they sought to address was the prevalent notion that ice cream was not suitable for snacking, as people tended to prefer savory treats which came in munchable portions. To measure the success of their efforts, key performance areas included increased brand power, market share and the "good for snacking" imagery. The strategy's performance would be measured based on the uplift it generated to pre-launch performance, and the overall performance of the product launch.


The Feast Pop product launch campaign placed significant emphasis on mobile technology, allocating more than 40% of the campaign budget to this medium. Specifically, the investment in this rich media interstitial solutions aimed to enhance consumer engagement and cultivate brand affinity among the MF18-35 target audience. Among the various solutions implemented, the integration of AR technology with the POKKT placement proved to be the most effective in facilitating meaningful interactions between consumers and the new product format. This played a crucial role in ensuring that the product launch not only achieved the desired awareness but also generated a notable increase in the brand's overall brand power and perception as a snacking option. By prioritizing mobile technology and leveraging innovative solutions, the campaign successfully connected with the target audience, resulting in a positive impact on brand perception and market positioning. The overall marketing strategy relied on the POKKT gamified ad experience to create awareness of Feast Pop's unique product proposition as a munchable ice cream snack. In creating an AR and mouth detection integrated solution, the ad was able to create a unique brand experience that went beyond raising awareness. The mobile creative would access the user's front camera to initiate an AR-led game. In this game, Feast Pop would descend from the top of the screen, and users were tasked with moving their heads and positioning their mouths to collect the falling ice cream. This interactive experience simulated the act of munching on the ice cream, showcasing a brand-new way of enjoying their favorite snack. The gamified approach not only created a playful interaction but also increased brand recognition and emphasized the distinctiveness of Feast Pop's snacking appeal.




Before the launch of Feast Pop, Wall's faced stiff competition across all fronts. Not only did they face intense competition within the ice cream category, but the overall ice cream segment also exhibited signs of stagnation within the broader snacking space. As packaged savory snacks gained popularity due to their munchable nature, Wall's recognized the need to innovate in order to stimulate growth for both the brand and the ice cream category. The campaign achieved remarkable success, generating over 10 million impressions and garnering and engagement rate of over 14%, exceeding industry benchmark of 8%. Additionally, it achieved a click-through rate (CTR) of over 0.7%, indicating a high level of user interest and interaction with the campaign's content. These performance metrics demonstrated the campaign's effectiveness in capturing the attention and engagement of the target audience, also highlighting the potential for the technology within the snacking space. The campaign was a hit! The game was played over 250 thousand times and more than 4million bite-sized Feast Pop were virtually consumed. The campaign's mass awareness and simulated experience of Feast Pop's distinctive snacking proposition resulted in rapid sell-outs online and in physical stores within weeks of the product's launch. Most importantly, the
