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Case Study


How Indira IVF's Groundbreaking UX/UI Redesign sparked a Surge of 74% in Traffic, 81% in Leads, and 66% in Centre Visits! Beyond aesthetics, Indira IVF's transformative UX/UI overhaul signifies a paradigm shift. With a strategic redesign, online traffic soared by 74%, leads spiked by 81%, and center footfalls saw a substantial 66% increase. This success cements Indira IVF not only as a fertility care leader but as a trailblazer seamlessly uniting the digital


In response to a substantial surge in the demand for infertility treatments, Indira IVF faced a dual challenge stemming from an underwhelming online presence and suboptimal user experience. The identified gap in our digital strategy and user interface presented a unique opportunity for improvement. Leveraging data-driven insights, recent data analysis revealed a notable spike in searches related to infertility treatments, underscoring latent demand. Recognizing the conversion potential inherent in this trend, the focus shifted towards a strategic enhancement of online visibility and user experience. It became evident that a comprehensive redesign not only held the potential to significantly impact lead conversion but also promised a tangible increase in hospital visits. The challenge at hand, therefore, extended beyond meeting immediate market demands to cultivating a more robust digital framework that could seamlessly convert interest into meaningful engagement and physical visits to Indira IVF centers.


The primary campaign objective for Indira IVF was to establish itself as the premier destination for individuals seeking infertility treatments. Aiming for a comprehensive website transformation, the focus was on achieving measurable outcomes that directly influenced overall business success. The campaign strategically aligned with the escalating market demand, emphasizing a holistic redesign to elevate the user experience. Beyond immediate metrics, the objective sought sustainable results, envisioning a significant upswing in website traffic, lead generation, and physical footfalls. Indira IVF aspired not only to address the current demand for fertility treatments but to solidify its position as a long-term industry leader. Carefully calibrated success metrics were designed to reflect the direct impact of the redesigned digital presence, bridging the online and offline realms and establishing Indira IVF as the go-to resource in the realm of infertility treatments.


Commencing with an exhaustive market study and competitor analysis, Indira IVF's strategy derived insights to inform pivotal decisions and lay the groundwork for improvement. Launching a complete website overhaul aimed at improving the user experience, we extensively revamped the architecture and layouts. This transformation included a focused content approach, with distinct sections covering infertility issues, tests, and treatments. To resonate more effectively with regional audiences, we introduced vernacular language articles. This comprehensive effort was geared towards not just a visual revamp but a meaningful enhancement of the overall user interaction, ensuring a tailored and localized approach to connect with our audience. The SEO optimization process was meticulous, involving the infusion of relevant keywords, informative resources, and the integration of Schema implementations. This approach not only bolstered online visibility but also established credibility within the field. User engagement tactics included the strategic placement of a pop-up form to guide visitors toward clinic offerings. Recognizing the critical role of appointments in the user journey, the approach enabled various methods for users to schedule appointments or visit centers. This included phone calls, contact forms, WhatsApp chatbots, and Google Map links, providing a seamless experience for users. Moreover, the campaign focused on highlighting the expertise of doctors and centers, emphasizing patient advocacy, and showcasing success stories. This consistent emphasis on credibility aimed to build trust among potential patients. Beyond the digital landscape, the strategy adopted a holistic approach, bridging the divide between online enhancements and offline impact. By driving both leads and footfalls to the hospitals, Indira IVF sought to create a seamless, end-to-end experience for individuals seeking infertility treatments, thereby fostering a comprehensive and integrated strategy for success.


Data played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of marketing strategy at Indira IVF, driving both our decision-making and storytelling endeavors. Leveraging insights from online marketing tools, we observed a significant upswing in keyword searches related to IVF, infertility problems, diagnosis, and treatments. This surge wasn't just numeric; it unraveled a rich tapestry of user interests and needs. This discovery was fortified by scrutinizing competitor positioning against relevant keywords, providing a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape and areas for strategic differentiation. Armed with these insights, our strategy unfolded. The surge in keyword searches became our navigational guide, steering us toward areas of heightened user engagement. The competitive positioning data, on the other hand, informed our strategic decisions, ensuring we addressed performance gaps and capitalized on the burgeoning demand. Our creative implementation was intricately interwoven with these data-driven insights. From the redesign of our website to the formulation of our content strategy, each decision was strategically tailored to meet identified needs. The data not only validated our choices but empowered us to make informed decisions that resonated with our audience. The surge in keywords related to fertility problems informed the content buckets on our website, positioning it as a valuable resource for individuals seeking information on infertility issues. The competitor positioning data guided our approach to SEO, helping us stand out in a competitive digital landscape. This strategic alignment with data wasn't merely about addressing current demand; it was about anticipating and preparing for future trends. By infusing our storytelling with these insights, we created a narrative that authentically connected with our audience's needs. In essence, data catalyzed a transformative marketing journey, leading us toward innovation, strategic differentiation, and a profound connection with our audience.


The strategy involved several creative and innovative approaches woven together to strike a chord in the audiences and make an impact. 1. Mobile-First Approach: To respond to the increasing number of mobile users, we developed a mobile-friendly design that adjusted to mobile phone screens. We found that approximately 95% of our patients used their mobile devices to access our website. In addition, this deliberate choice follows the latest search engine algorithms ensuring increased online visibility and accessibility. After further optimization, the Page Speed Score for Mobile increased by 300% and for Desktop by 72%. Load time clocked in at under 3 sec for Mobile and under 1 sec for Desktop. 2. Elegance in Simplicity: We adopted the less-is-more approach to ensure usability and embraced a user-centric experience by reducing dynamic elements to create a clean and uncluttered website. Aside from speeding up page load duration, this gave a pleasing environment to work out the essential information. 3. Unified Design Language: This became our design mantra and consistency permeated throughout every webpage. The uniform design language had colour palettes, typography, and many other elements aimed at building brand identity, and making navigation easy. 4. Visual Symphony: We harmonised various visual elements to evoke emotions and facilitate comprehension. The striking banners caught attention; the icons provided intuitive cues for navigation. Strategically placed videos told compelling stories and conveyed complex information that moved people, meeting different audience tastes. 5. Interactive Elevation: The focus was mainly on the interactive features that involved the user on a deeper level. Fertility treatment calculators and quizzes turned passive browsing into an active personal experience that engaged participants and educated them. 6. Personalised Journeys: This was a stroke of innovation by enabling data-driven personalisation of user journeys. User behaviour insights led individuals to go through a curated experience


The transformative efforts undertaken by Indira IVF yielded remarkable results across key performance indicators, validating the success of the campaign. There was an impressive surge of 74.59% in Users, indicating a substantial increase in the number of individuals engaging with our website. This surge was paralleled by new users, witnessing a significant uptick of 74.09%, underlining the campaign's efficacy in attracting and retaining a fresh audience. The campaign's impact extended to user engagement metrics, with Sessions demonstrating a robust increase of 67.96%. This highlighted heightened user interaction and prolonged engagement with the content. Page Views skyrocketed by an astounding 135.13%, attesting to the revamped website's ability to capture and retain user interest effectively. Pages Per Session recorded a notable rise of 39.99%, indicative of enhanced navigation and exploration of the website's content. Unique leads showcased an exceptional improvement of 81.73%, reflecting the success of the data-driven content and SEO strategy in generating high-quality leads. The campaign's influence transcended the digital realm, with footfalls (physical visits to the centers) experiencing a remarkable increase of 66.68%. This surge underscored the seamless integration between the online enhancements and offline impact, emphasizing the campaign's comprehensive success in driving individuals to Indira IVF centers. The reliability of these results is substantiated by credible sources, primarily Google Analytics for online metrics and the Call Summary Report for unique leads and offline footfall data. By strategically aligning the campaign's objectives with tangible outcomes and leveraging robust data sources, Indira IVF not only achieved but exceeded the anticipated success, solidifying its position as a leader in the realm of infertility treatments.


Indira IVF, Indira IVF, Website UI/UX Design, 2023, Sparkies, Silver