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Case Study


Kamasutra Condoms addressed the challenge of breaking taboos around sex by creating Kamaverse, a Metaverse platform, leveraging Gen Z's digital preferences. The campaign achieved significant reach, with over 20 million users and 26 million impressions, establishing the brand as a leader in sexual wellness. Through an innovative approach, including a virtual influencer and interactive zones, Kamasutra Condoms successfully promoted sex positivity, safe practices, and redefined sexual exploration in the 21st century.


Kamasutra Condoms faced the challenge of breaking societal taboos around sex and fostering sex positivity in a digital age dominated by Gen Z's online presence. Through Kamaverse, the opportunity was to create an engaging and safe virtual space that resonated with the target audience's preferences, leveraging the Metaverse to educate and promote healthy sexual practices.


The campaign aimed to challenge societal taboos surrounding sex by creating Kamaverse, a Metaverse platform. The primary objectives were to provide a safe space for sexual exploration, promote sex positivity, and offer educational content on the art of lovemaking. Additionally, the campaign sought to drive engagement through various challenges and contests, enhance brand visibility, and establish Kamasutra Condoms as a leader in sexual wellness in the digital space.


Recognizing Gen Z's affinity for online gaming and digital storytelling, Kamasutra Condoms strategically entered the Metaverse with Kamaverse. The brand leveraged smart devices' prevalence and engaged the audience through visually appealing content, a guided tour by a virtual influencer (Kamya), and interactive zones. Social media platforms were tapped for targeted advertising and influencer collaborations, maximizing participation in challenges. This strategy aimed to redefine sexual exploration online, aligning with the brand's three-decade legacy of challenging taboos, promoting sex positivity, and ensuring safe sexual practices.


The campaign achieved significant reach and engagement, with media campaigns reaching over 20 million users, garnering 26 million impressions and 10 lakh clicks on the Metaverse landing page, achieving a commendable CTR of 3%. Specific zones, like the Product Zone, received over 100 clicks to the ecommerce page. Influencer reels amassed over 2 million views, and the campaign received coverage in 35 publications. The campaign trended on Twitter for over 5 hours, showcasing its impact and resonance across social media platforms.


The creative solution involved the development of Kamaverse, a Metaverse platform that seamlessly blended ancient Indian history on sexuality with modern content. Interactive zones, a virtual influencer, and engaging challenges were strategically employed to provide a unique and safe space for exploring the art of lovemaking. Leveraging the Metaverse allowed the brand to communicate sexual wellness information without stigmatization. The integration of diverse content formats, influencer collaborations, and a strategic social media campaign showcased an innovative approach to breaking taboos and promoting sexual wellness online.


The campaign achieved remarkable results, including media reach exceeding 20 million users, 26 million impressions, and 10 lakh clicks with a CTR of 3%. The Product Zone received over 100 clicks to the ecommerce page, and influencer reels garnered over 2 million views. The campaign received coverage in 35 publications and trended on Twitter for over 5 hours.


Godrej Consumer Products Ltd., Madison Media, Website UI/UX Design, 2023, Sparkies, Gold