Bingo Tedhe Medhe Snack Attack AI

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Case Study


Using AI to Conquer Gen Z Hearts and Snack Desires! By leveraging the power of AI, Bingo! Tedhe Medhe created a personalized and engaging campaign that resonated with Gen Z. The campaign's humor, relatable content, and innovative use of AI-generated images resulted in exceeding all campaign objectives, including an 18% increase in sales and a 22% increase in brand association with 'Eat Phir Repeat', demonstrating the potential of AI to create powerful marketing experiences.


Challenge: Bingo! Tedhe Medhe, a snack brand targeting Gen Z, faced a major marketing challenge – reaching a generation known for its aversion to traditional advertising. Gen Z actively avoids branded content, employs ad-blockers, and prefers organic, authentic experiences. This posed a significant obstacle to raising awareness and driving engagement with the brand. Opportunity: The rising trend of Generative AI presented a unique opportunity to connect with Gen Z on their terms. This technology allows users to create personalized, AI-generated images, which perfectly aligns with Gen Z's desire for unique and interactive content.


Primary objectives: Increase brand awareness: Achieve a 20% increase in impressions and reach across social media platforms. Boost engagement: Drive a 15% increase in interactions (likes, comments, shares) on social media posts. Strengthen brand recall: Increase brand recall by 10% among the target audience during snacking moments. Drive purchase intent: Increase purchase intent by 5% among the target audience. Secondary objective: Generate positive brand sentiment: Maintain a net positive sentiment score of 70% or higher across earned media and social media platforms. KPIs: Impressions and reach: Monitored through social media analytics tools. Engagement: Measured by likes, comments, and shares on social media posts. Brand recall: Assessed through surveys conducted before and after the campaign. Purchase intent: Evaluated through surveys and online sales data. Brand sentiment: Analyzed through sentiment analysis tools and social media listening.


Targeting: Gen Z (15-30 years old): This age group represents the core audience for Bingo! Tedhe Medhe, and is known for its tech-savvy and brand-averse nature. North and East India: Focus on regions with the highest brand penetration and consumption rates for Bingo! Tedhe Medhe. Psychographic targeting: Identify Gen Z consumers who are interested in technology, entertainment, content, social media, trends, snacking, and have a desire for unique and personalized experiences. Channels: Primary: Instagram, due to its popularity among Gen Z and its visual nature, which complements the AI-generated images. Secondary: Influencer marketing, partnering with macro and nano influencers who resonate with the target audience and can create authentic content around the campaign. Engagement tactics: AI-powered contest: Invited users to share their 'irresistible and weirdest' snacking moments, converting them into personalized AI-generated images. Influencer activations: Partnered with humorous desi macro influencers who created content showcasing their own wacky snacking moments and the personalized AI images generated by the campaign. Nano influencer activation: Leveraged 100 nano influencers to drive local awareness and engagement, promoting the contest to their specific follower bases. Paid social media promotion: Targeted ads to reach a wider audience and amplify the campaign's reach and engagement. Rationale and inspiration: Leveraging Generative AI: Capitalized on trending technology to create personalized and engaging content that resonates with the target audience. Humorous and relatable content: Used humour and relatable scenarios to connect with Gen Z on a personal level and make the campaign more engaging. Content personalization: Personalized AI-generated images added a unique element to the campaign, encouraging user participation and shareability. Influencer partnerships: Collaborated with influencers who resonate with the target audience to create authentic content and build trust in the campaign. Social media focus: Focused on social media platforms where Gen Z spends most of their time online.


Understanding the target audience: Social listening: Analyzed online conversations to understand Gen Z's preferences, interests, and pain points revealing their aversion to traditional advertising desire for personalized, authentic experiences. Trend analysis: Identified the growing popularity of Generative AI among Gen Z, highlighting an opportunity to connect with them through personalized, AI-generated content. Market research: Studied Gen Z snacking habits and preferences to understand their snacking occasions and motivations. Targeting optimisation: Demographic and psychographic data: Used data to target Gen Z within the specific regions of North and East India, where brand penetration and consumption were highest. Interest targeting: Leveraged social media platforms' advanced targeting capabilities to reach Gen Z users interested in technology, entertainment, content, and snacking. Content personalization: AI-powered image generation: Analysed data from user submissions to personalise the AI-generated images, ensuring they accurately reflected each user's moment. Influencer selection: Used data to identify influencers who resonated with the target audience and had a strong online presence within the relevant geographic regions. Engagement optimisation: Social media analytics: Monitored campaign performance in real-time to understand what type of content resonated best with the audience and make adjustments accordingly. Paid social media targeting: Utilised data from campaign performance and influencer partnerships to optimise paid social media campaigns for maximum reach and engagement. Results measurement: Web analytics: Tracked website traffic and conversion rates to measure campaign effectiveness in driving purchase intent. Social media analytics: Monitored key metrics like impressions, reach, engagement, and sentiment to gauge campaign performance and audience response. Brand tracking studies: Conducted surveys before and after the campaign to measure changes in brand awareness, recall, and association with 'Eat Phir Repeat'.


AI & ML Powered Activations: Leveraged machine learning to select the most relevant and impactful influencers from a pool of 500. Utilized AI tools to generate compelling and personalized content that resonated with each influencer's unique audience. Natural language processing ensured accurate and engaging content creation. AI algorithms analysed campaign performance in real-time, providing valuable feedback to creators, enabling continuous optimization of influencer content for maximum impact. Personalised user's moments with Mid-Journey Generative AI, creating shareable and viral content. Influencer Activations: Humorous desi influencers: The campaign partnered with macro and nano influencers who were known for their humor and appeal to the target audience, adding authenticity and credibility. Relatable snacking stories: Influencers shared their own wacky snacking moments and the AI-generated images created for them, showcasing the campaign's core theme and driving engagement. Localised content: Nano influencers from specific regions were chosen to promote the campaign locally, ensuring that the content resonated with regional audiences and cultural nuances. Social Media Engagement: Interactive contest: The campaign launched a contest that invited users to share their snacking moments, encouraging active participation and user-generated content. Real-time interaction: The campaign team actively responded to user comments and questions, creating a sense of community and engagement around the brand. Humorous teasers and posts: The campaign utilised humor and witty content in its social media posts, capturing attention and keeping the audience entertained. Paid Social Media Strategy: Targeted ads: Paid social media campaigns were designed to target specific demographics and interests within the Gen Z audience, ensuring the campaign reached the right people. Data-driven optimisation: Campaign performance was constantly monitored and analyzed to maximize reach and engagement. Multi-platform approach: The campaign ran across various social media platforms where Gen Z spends their time, ensuring wider reach and impact.


Increased brand awareness: Impressions: 277 Lakh (139% of the planned goal) Reach: 158 Lakh (163% of the planned goal) Driven brand engagement: Engagement: 5.77 Lakh (152% of the planned goal) Earned media coverage: 37 Lakh impressions (3x the planned goal) Social media sentiment: 83% positive Strengthened brand association with irresistible snacking: Brand recall: Increased by 14% among the target audience Association of "Eat Phir Repeat" with Bingo! Tedhe Medhe: Increased by 22% Increased purchase intent: Website traffic: Increased by 25% during the campaign period Sales: Increased by 18% during the campaign period Additional achievements: Social media following: Increased by 12% User-generated content: Over 150 user-submitted snacking moments and AI images created Campaign buzz: Generated significant online discussion and positive feedback How the campaign moved the needle and changed behavior: Increased user engagement with the brand: Users participated actively in the contest, sharing their snacking moments and engaging with the brand's social media content. Positive brand sentiment: The campaign generated positive online conversations about the brand, increasing brand perception and trust. Shift in brand association: The campaign successfully positioned Bingo! Tedhe Medhe as the go-to snack for irresistible and weirdest moments, leading to a stronger brand association. Increased brand advocacy: Users shared their AI-generated images and positive campaign experiences with their friends and followers, organically promoting the brand.


ITC Limited, White Rivers Media, Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, 2023, Sparkies, Gold