Croma (Always On) - Playable Ads

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Case Study



The target audiences for this campaign were overall male and female. This was further layered with interests that are key to online and offline shopping behaviours. With it expertise in the gaming ecosystem playable ads were created that would showcase the upcoming sale event through a unique and engaging manner. As this was an Always On campaign, the playable banner ad would change periodically to showcase the next sale event, after the existing one ended. The contextual relevance was the playable ad seen inside the gaming ecosystem and communication and offers pertaining to the current event.


Croma, one of India's largest retail brands, realized this opportunity and wanted to advantage during such events. They created multiple tentpole sale events which offered the best prices for a limited time. In order to create awareness about this, Croma partnered with POKKT, and to enable an Always on campaign and bring it life. Croma wanted to focus on different festivities like Independence Day, Celebration Sale, Diwali and Republic Day to bring out their offers and deals. There was a need to create excitement & awareness about the offers and products, for the various tentpole sale events. The end goal was to encourage users to shop at Croma during these key sale events. Yes, this is the first year of the campaign.


Knowing the gaming ecosystem, POKKT identified the popular hyper casual games and created multiple playable ads, which were the most preferred games by Indians. One of these playable ads was a representation of the Memory Game. There would be multiple cards facing down and each card would have a Croma product that was offering a great deal during one of their sale events. They would be required to flip the card and then find the other one that matches it. When the other one is found, the user would be shown the Croma Deal for that product. The game was very effective and got users to explore all the different offering in an immersive manner. The 2nd playable ad was a representation of one of the most popular arcade games, Mechanical Claw. In this playable ad, the user would be required to grab & pick the products with the help of a mechanical claw. When a product was picked up, the user would be shown the Croma Deal for that product. It was a challenging game, which made it all the more interesting, as the users would have time their engagement so that a product would be picked up. The mobile platform was used as the channel of communication. The ecosystem chosen was gaming as the target audience for Croma are mobile gamers. To create contextual relevance with these mobile gamers, the approach taken was to create playable ads.




Croma faced a lot of competition from other retailers and e-commerce platforms such as Reliance and Amazon. The campaign was a success as it delivered the below results: Impressions: >3.6 Mn Engagement Rate: ~15% Click Through Rate: 0.9% Average Dwell Time: 23 seconds During and after the campaign Croma saw an increase in sales of approximately 10% to 15%. The key categories that saw a phenomenal spike were Televisions, Kitchen Appliance, Laptops and Smartphones.


Anymind (POKKT), Anymind (POKKT), MOBILE, 2023, ECHO, Bronze