Celebrating Summer with Arun Ice Creams

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Case Study



To achieve our goal, we devised a strategic approach that not only showcased the diverse range of Arun Ice Creams but also tapped into the emotions tied to the experience. The creation of a "Flick & Toss" game was the cornerstone of our strategy, aiming to engage users in a playful activity while subtly encouraging them to associate positive emotions with the different ice cream variants.


During the summer season, our primary goal was to highlight and promote the delightful variety of Arun Ice Creams, emphasizing the emotional connection associated with enjoying these frozen treats


In the interactive game, users were encouraged to flick and toss various ice creams towards passing kids to bring joy to their virtual counterparts. This not only created a fun and engaging experience but also allowed users to see the names of the ice creams during the action. The strategy focused on leveraging the emotional appeal of making kids happy while subtly influencing users to choose their preferred ice cream variant.




The campaign generated impressive results: • 8.1 million impressions, showcasing the widespread reach of the campaign. • A remarkable 16.5% engagement rate, indicating a high level of user interaction and interest. • A click-through rate (CTR) of 1.07%, reflecting the effectiveness of the interactive game in driving user actions. • An average dwell time of 39 seconds, highlighting the extended engagement and enjoyment of the interactive content. The campaign received acclaim within the industry for its innovative approach to brand promotion, achieving success in both reaching a broad audience and effectively engaging users.


Anymind (POKKT), Anymind POKKT, MOBILE, 2023, ECHO