Visa x The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

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Case Study


Visa showed PV Sindhu that her effort, strength, and courage, during this already difficult time, had not gone unnoticed. We brought her the support of more than a million people at a time when the cheers at the live event were negligible.


COVID-19 had altered the lifestyle and mindset of people across the world. Social distancing was the new normal and inspite of the world moving ahead there was no way it was ready to go back to how it was earlier. Hence, events like The Tokyo Games were devoid of audience. No one to cheer for the athletes – no support from friends and family.


Gather 1 Million cheers for PV Sindhu through comments, messages, and DMs on Visa's social media platforms and drive conversations online. Stronger brand association between Team Visa Athlete PV Sindhu and Visa by accumulating a million cheers.


Amidst the new normal when everything was changing, with Visa, Nothing could come between the people and their love for sports. Through #SmashItSindhu, Visa made efforts to make the cheers & support reach to Team Visa Athlete PV Sindhu while she represented India at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.​


In India, people worship sports and when it comes to the Olympics they become more patriotic than ever. The Tokyo 2020 organising committee had already banned overseas spectators and set a cap on domestic spectators of 10,000 per venue, or 50 per cent of capacity.


We developed a campaign #SmashItSindhu and encouraged users to send in their cheers for Team Visa Athlete PV Sindhu, basis which the digital communication was developed for various touchpoints. Campaign Touchpoints: 1. Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) 2. Dedicated Microsite – 3. Influencer Activity - Tap-the-Shuttle Challenge - Cheer for Sindhu AR Filter


We generated nearly 6 Mn cheers for Team Visa Athlete PV Sindhu (6x of the initial committed target). 30 Mn Reach(3.5x of the committed initial set target).


Visa India, Oct, 2022