Rethinking Email Design - Promotional Email Campaign

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Case Study


Rethinking Email Design for Increased User Engagement: Visual Storytelling, Mobile-First Optimization, Personalized Content, and Data-Driven Segmentation.


Challenge: Being an OTA platform, it is difficult to gain traction in the competitive market.


Objective: To increase open rates, click-through rates, and engagement. Goals: 1. To increase open rates that are equal to or above the benchmark industry standards. (~20%) 2. To achieve a CTR of 2.03% 3. To have a bounce rate lower than 2% Also, considering all the factors like personalization, behavioral segmentation, mobile-friendly design, and direct links to relevant content within emails results in fewer clicks to reach the desired destinations to improve traction.


Strategy: To achieve the above-mentioned objectives (To increase open rates, click-through rates, and engagement.) we followed the below strategies: 1. Personalization: - Include user identifiers or campaign parameters to tailor personalised communication & recommendations based on user intent (Identifiers: Name, destination/airport name, and personalized preview lines) - Using urgency-based and benefit-driven subject lines. 2. Behavioural Segmentation: - Identify key user behaviors/cohorts & targeting accordingly: new users, returning customers, abandoned carts, high-value customers, geo-targeting, payment drop-offs, etc. 3. Compelling Content and Design: - Focussing on story-telling; A/B testing different elements of the email to optimize the content and achieve better results. - Offer valuable insights: Providing helpful travel tips, destination guides, and recommendations tailored to user's interests. - Mobile friendly design : Using the blend of HTML and images to ensure optimal user experience. 4. Dynamic Deeplinks: - Use deeplink management platforms: Using AppsFlyer dynamic links to tailor the deeplink destination based on individual users intent.


Initially, the communications we were only focussing on awareness and offer-based communication, which did not result in higher traction from our users. To achieve higher open rates and CTRs we later focussed more on storytelling and optimizing our content as per our user base. We started utilizing A/B testing to optimize email subject lines, calls to action, and content for improved open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Furthermore, by experimenting with various behavioral segmentation we were able to achieve higher open rates.


- Making more use of Illustrations and pictorials to demonstrate the story and promotions instead of using more words. - Focussing on a mobile-friendly compact design to gain the user's attention span. - Following stagnant brand guidelines and elements to maintain recall and visibility throughout. - Making a crisp and clear design that is friendly for all devices and themes. - Creating email templates according to the user search behavior.


Achieved the below metrics as per the projected goals. (more details with sources in the attached PPT) Open Rate - 28% CTR - 3.52% Click to open rate - 12% Unsubscribe rate - 0.02% Bounce rate - 1.21%


Adani Digital Labs Pvt Ltd, Adani Digital Labs, Email Marketing, 2023, Sparkies, Silver