HDFC Life 'HDFC Life Got Talent'

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Case Study


Headline: HDFC Life Got Talent - Shining Brighter, Reaching Further, Engaging Deeper HDFC Life Got Talent evolves to include immediate family members of employees, expanding beyond internal walls. Colleagues vote for their favourite finalists for wider awareness and deeper engagement. It was a celebration of creativity, building connections, and amplifying the HGOT legacy.


Challenge: HDFC Life aimed to foster a stronger employer-brand connection and promote employee engagement by involving the immediate family members of the employees in their "HDFC Life Got Talent" initiative. Opportunity: Leverage the success of past seasons of HGOT to strengthen its employer brand by creating a more engaging and interactive experience for both employees and their immediate family members.


Context and purpose of the initiative: HGT was started for employee engagement to foster a culture of care and bonding beyond work. We wanted to strengthen the relationship with employees and their families as well, welcoming them within the folds of the extended HDFC Life family. It also gave us a platform to nurture, appreciate and recognise in-house talents. Strengthen employee engagement by building stronger relationships with their families through the HGOT event.


Take the HGOT IP beyond internal competition with voting rounds, online talent showcases, and engaging with employee family members to reach a wider audience. ● Utilize internal communication channels, social media platforms and engaging content to generate buzz and excitement around HGOT. ● Onboard the top judges from higher management to give justice to the performances by selecting the top contenders for respective categories of Dance, Music, Singing and Arts.


● Achieved the highest-ever employee participation rate of 1600+ entries received in the regional round.


● Engaging creative communications through a series of mailers for the audience to send in their entries or vote for their favourite participants across different locations and departments. ● Enabling online submissions during regional rounds to allow employees from all locations can participate and share their talent.


● Increased employee participation by 50% compared to the previous year (based on internal data).


HDFC Life 'HDFC Life Got Talent', Tidal7, Email Marketing, 2023, Sparkies, Bronze