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There isn't a question about the fact that CX is meaningful and conversation. The pandemic has, of course, made it a critical C-level discussion. The most significant insights lie in your first-party data. So before you ask any marketing question or other form of data, you must go to first-party data.

In the last three years, we've been invited to more boardroom meetings than we ever have in the eight years before that. So CX is something that's top of mind. It's something that everyone's working on, and brands are already getting some traction in that direction.

Everyone's time and efforts spent on their own experiences increased through the pandemic. What we saw before the pandemic was a big focus on social media. What we see right after the pandemic is a big focus on your owned media and investing in your own web experiences, your own app experiences, and your point of sale experiences. We saw a significant rise in budgets, focus, and even the understanding that this is potentially the only place where the customer might be seeing me. Customers might not be experiencing a store or any other physical experience, so the investment was much more significant.

We also noticed that data and creativity typically reside in different places. Today's the day of informed data, tech-enabled creative communication and putting that together in a single stack. Many of the country, a large portion of agencies and grants, still need to do that because those skill sets are different and disparate. Our effort was to bring all those skill sets to use data and technology to inform the creative eventually.

For the Amazon Great Indian Festival, we created 12000 different versions of creative that were then driven through AI through customised cohorts that depended on the customer buying behaviour and the kind of offers they typically responded to, the type of categories and locations they were sitting in. These were customised with messaging that is tailored to each customer cohort.

It's a combination of heavy lifting and technology. Technology is yet to reach where you can just give technology the direction, and it will deliver a well-customised creative. Hence there is still some brute force behind it, but you'll have about 40 different master creatives easily scaled into 10 to 12,000 micro adaptations.

We have done a campaign for HDFC Bank called V for Vigil Aunty.

The strategy was to create a voice that all age groups would fondly listen to and talk to. Someone who could break the formalities of a bank?s communication can be taken to all corners of the internet, including WhatsApp. Women in our society have always been that voice of caution and vigilance. The entire family or neighbourhood listens to what a woman speaks. At around the same time, we chanced upon a pun with the word Vigilante. We devised a very detailed strategy for content and distribution, which was made to be consistent as an ace social influencer would be.

We wanted to create a memorable voice in the space of safe banking?someone who can entertain and still be relatable.

Three channels driving that level of personalisation would be messaging platforms, social media & email. Combining it with website experience would drive great CX.

To elevate the CX experience, the first thing marketers need to do is to spend time on their first-party data. We use brand tracks; we use third-party data. We use industry data and whatnot. All these other sources to get insights. But the most incredible insights lie in your first-party data. So before you ask any marketing question to anything else, to any other form of data, you need to go to first-party data, then to deterministic third-party data, and then probabilistic third-party data. Everyone's focused on getting the data in a single place. We all have multiple different areas where that data is getting collected?so bringing that into one place, duplicating that data, and then trusting an agency to handle the data correctly is essential.

Everyone should focus on asking questions internally on how their agencies can leverage first-party data without exposing themselves to data security risks.

Ensuring the tech teams, the data teams, the media teams, and the creative teams are talking together. Ideally, having a hybrid team within the brand itself would help all the work with an agency that can talk on both sides of the spectrum.


We have an idea. It is not a power ring, nor does it shoot laser from its eyes. We call it x-ray vision. It lets you see if your customers are happy or disappointed, if they are loyal to your brand or if they would like to move on with another option. This superpower can tell you if they are aware of your current offers and promotions or if they are forgettable in their minds. The superpowers of CX allow every brand to see through the eyes of their customers.

The DMAasia Brand Trail is a new concept introduced to the marketing community. A unique representation of insights from a variety of industries, ranging from eCommerce and financial services to food and property.

The DMAasia Brand Trail for CX Superpowers was held in Mumbai & Gurugram on 10th Nov and 17th Nov. It was an interactive session which has garnered industry-wide participation from over 40 CxOs in attendance.

We started with a simple objective: collectively finding what it will take to win in 2023 and how brands can grow at scale.

The perspectives mentioned here have been captured at the Cx Superpowers event by our team at DMAasia. It's a wealth of techniques that you can deploy for your brand.

What is your brand's favourite superpower? Let us know and we would love to get you featured here at the DMAasia Brand Trail.


Rohan Mehta Rohan Mehta, Kinnect, CX Superpowers, MessageBird

Magazine View:

Attention CXOs! Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a rising star, we want to hear your valuable opinion on AI in marketing. We also have a few young Turks invites, so if you're a maverick or misfit with a fresh perspective, we'd love to hear from you too. Join the Brandmasters community and seize the opportunity to redefine the role of AI in marketing. Send us a thought-provoking blog post at [email protected] and request your exclusive invitation to the Tri-City Events on April 18th, 19th, and 21st. Let's set new standards of excellence together!