360 ONE

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Case Study


360 ONE's SEO campaign has addressed various challenges and embraced a proactive problem-solving approach, effectively resolving numerous technical and content issues on our website. We've optimised internal linking to enhance the user experience, leading to significant improvements in organic sessions, user engagement, and overall website clicks. Our commitment to overcoming challenges and prioritising user satisfaction has not only elevated our website's performance but also demonstrated our dedication to delivering a superior online experience.


Challenge: 360 ONE faced multiple challenges in optimising its online presence following its rebranding. The migration from 'iiflwealth.com' to '360.one' presented a significant SEO hurdle. Historically, in the wealth management industry, sales for HNW and UHNW clients have been successful only through in-person strategies; thereby resulting in a lack of emphasis on digital strategies. Additionally, issues such as mobile version accessibility problems, low user engagement, high bounce rates, suboptimal on-page SEO elements, and rendering problems with SEO elements further complicated the task. Opportunity: Recognizing the need to adapt to the evolving landscape of wealth management, 360 ONE seized the opportunity to enhance its online brand awareness and user experience. Through a strategic collaboration with Infidigit, the company successfully addressed these challenges, leading to substantial improvements in organic sessions, user engagement, and overall website clicks, positioning 360 ONE as a frontrunner in leveraging digital strategies for a traditionally offline sector.


Gaining and Accelerating Organic Traffic: The primary objective of 360 ONE's SEO campaign was to increase organic traffic to its website. By optimising for relevant keywords, creating valuable content, and implementing effective SEO strategies, the aim was to attract a larger audience and improve visibility on search engine result pages. Enhancing Crawling & Indexing: To ensure search engines efficiently crawled and indexed the website, efforts were directed towards improving site structure, enhancing internal linking, and resolving mobile accessibility issues. This objective aimed to facilitate search engine bots in comprehensively understanding and ranking 360 ONE's content. Addressing Vital SEO Elements: The campaign focused on refining crucial SEO elements such as developing keyword-rich content, optimising meta tags, and implementing canonical tags. This approach aimed at improving overall on-page SEO and ensuring that the website's content aligns effectively with search engine algorithms, contributing to higher rankings and increased visibility.


SEO Campaign Strategy for Rebranding to 360 ONE: To effectively navigate the rebranding transition from IIFL Wealth and Asset Management to 360 ONE, a comprehensive SEO campaign strategy was deployed with a multifaceted approach. 1. UI/UX Suggestions: Understanding that user experience plays a pivotal role in SEO, the strategy began with UI/UX enhancements. Competitor analysis, thorough website evaluations, and the development of clear target audience personas (UHNI & HNI Clients in India) were conducted. These insights informed the optimisation of the website's design and navigation. 2. Keyword Research: A meticulous keyword research process was undertaken, aligning industry-relevant keywords with appropriate pages. This strategic mapping aimed to ensure that the website content resonated with the search intent of the target audience, enhancing organic visibility. 3. Content Gap Analysis: Identifying gaps in the existing content structure, a comprehensive analysis was conducted to create an effective content framework. This involved restructuring and enhancing content to align with SEO best practices and user expectations. 4. SEO Implementation: Key SEO elements were meticulously addressed. Meta tags were created and implemented to improve search engine understanding, and content optimisation strategies were employed. This step focused on aligning on-page content with targeted keywords for improved rankings. 5. New Page Creation: A unique approach involved the creation of a dedicated page specifically designed to rank the new logo. This strategic move was aimed at solidifying the brand identity in the digital space and ensuring prominent visibility in relevant search results. By integrating these components into the SEO campaign strategy, 360 ONE successfully navigated the challenges of rebranding. The focus on user experience, keyword optimisation, content restructuring, and innovative solutions like logo ranking underscored the commitment to a holistic and effective digital presence during the transition to the new brand identity.


360 ONE's SEO campaign drew insights from the impact of its launch digital campaign, providing a foundation for gauging the extent of its digital reach. The digital campaign achieved noteworthy metrics: • Reach: Surpassing 57,54,871, the campaign effectively engaged a vast audience. • Video Views: With over 8,73,572 views, the campaign effectively utilised visual content to convey the essence of 360 ONE's new brand identity. • Clicks to Website: The campaign successfully generated more than 70,000 clicks to the website, indicating a strong interest and interaction from the audience. 360 ONE's new brand identity, characterised as new-age yet deeply rooted, resonates with the next generation of wealth creators. The rebranding underscores the company's commitment to a comprehensive wealth management approach, offering 360 degrees of support and service. Aligning with core values and mission, the rebranding facilitated improved communication of the brand proposition to clients and stakeholders. Data affirms the positive impact of the new brand, differentiating 360 ONE in a competitive market and establishing stronger connections with the target audience. Client interviews reinforced the significance of enduring client relationships. This insight guided the development of website content, adopting a customer-centric language that not only informs but also resonates emotionally. The language used is friendly and helpful, reflecting the personalised and supportive approach that defines 360 ONE's client interactions. This data-driven approach ensures that the SEO strategy not only aligns with the digital campaign's success metrics but also contributes to a meaningful and impactful online presence for 360 ONE.


In pursuit of a robust SEO strategy, 360 ONE implemented innovative solutions across technical, on-page SEO, and content optimisation fronts. Technical Innovations: To enhance logo page visibility, technical adjustments included the implementation of image schema and Open Graph tags. These measures aimed to improve the ranking of 360 ONE's brand logo, ensuring optimal presentation on search engine result pages (SERPs). On-Page SEO Enhancement: A comprehensive on-page SEO overhaul was executed, covering aspects like header tags, internal linking, and image alt tags optimisation. These optimisations were instrumental in elevating the overall online presence and visibility of the website, aligning with SEO best practices. Creation of Logo Page for SERP Ranking: A distinct and inventive approach involved the creation of a dedicated logo page, strategically designed to boost the ranking of 360 ONE's brand logo on SERPs. UI/UX enhancements, including changes to the header colour and refined visual presentation of logos on the page, were incorporated to optimise user experience. The dedicated page can be accessed here: https://www.360.one/360one-logo.html Content Optimization and CTAs: Creative content suggestions were implemented, accompanied by the addition of a compelling Call-to-Action (CTA) button. Internal linking strategies were deployed specifically for this page, ensuring a cohesive and engaging user journey while maximising the impact of the SEO campaign. This amalgamation of technical, on-page, and content-driven innovations exemplifies 360 ONE's commitment to adopting cutting-edge strategies. By leveraging these creative solutions, the company not only navigated the challenges of rebranding but also positioned itself for sustained online success in a dynamic and competitive digital landscape.


Non-Brand Clicks - Growth By 546X in July 2023 (as compared to November 2022) Organic Users - Growth By 10X in July 2023 (as compared to November 2022) Organic Sessions – Growth by 890% in July 2023 (as compared to November 2022) Overall Clicks - Growth By 12X in July 2023 (as compared to November 2022)


360 ONE, Infidigit, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies, Gold