SEO Excellence: Conquering Web, iOS, Android

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Case Study


Ranking Dominance: Across iOS, Android, and web platforms, we boast the highest organic market share, surpassing both traditional free apps and emerging cash gaming competitors in the Play Store. Traffic Growth: Leveraging insights and ranking performance, our traffic exhibits a steady 10% month-on-month growth rate. Comparatively, our yearly traffic growth stands impressively at over 100-120% since launch. Conversion Enhancement: Through comprehensive internal testing, comparative analysis, and diverse attribution models, our focus on localised experiments aims


In the dynamic landscape of online gaming, the marketing narrative underwent a significant transformation in October 2022 when Google's approval for real money gaming on Android opened a new chapter. This pivotal shift, liberating the industry from the constraints of APK downloads via websites, brought forth both challenges and opportunities. The intensified competition, particularly from well-established free gaming apps, demanded a strategic response. Recognising the urgency to secure organic visibility in the wake of this industry-shaping development, Games24x7 took a proactive approach. With a comprehensive analysis of real cash gaming competitors and free gaming apps, we identified a strategic gap waiting to be filled. This led to a focused and determined effort to dominate rankings for non-branded and generic terms. The ensuing strategy, rooted in foresight and industry analysis, strategically positioned RummyCircle and My11Circle for sustained success amidst the evolving digital gaming ecosystem.


The success of our organic strategy was measured through three key performance indicators (KPIs), each playing a crucial role in our overall campaign effectiveness: 1. Rankings: Positioned as our primary KPI, rankings served as the driving force for traffic and conversions. Focused on generic and non-branded keywords, our goal was to expand brand visibility in untapped segments. 2. Traffic: Acknowledging the correlation between rankings and traffic, our second KPI cantered on maximizing the influx of visitors through non-branded keywords. This approach aimed to unlock the full potential for increased conversion rates. 3. Conversions/Installs: The ultimate objective, conversions and installs, served as the conclusive KPI. The scalability of non-branded segments became the pivotal factor influencing a higher rate of successful conversions. Our strategic emphasis on these three interconnected KPIs underscores the comprehensive approach taken to achieve organic success.


1. Focused Aim: • Clear objectives drove our campaigns; our mandate necessitates precision. Our focus was on thorough keyword research, unveiling opportunities through a realistic and well-researched approach. 2. Experiment – FAIL – Repeat: • Embracing a culture of micro-testing, we experimented extensively. Failures became stepping stones, guiding us toward refined decisions. We developed testing frameworks, optimizing strategies based on multiple use cases. 3. Data Tells the Truth: • Time invested in understanding users and data proved invaluable. We meticulously gathered datasets from various channels, validating our hypotheses and facilitating informed decision-making. In the realm of organic competition, reliance on data ensured our strategies aligned with user behaviour and market dynamics.


In our quest for marketing innovation, data emerged as our guiding beacon, illuminating the path toward a unique strategy and creative approach. The transformative power of data was harnessed in two key areas: Delving into the realm of keyword research, data became our compass in navigating the evolving landscape of the Play Store's real cash era. By analysing user behaviour shifts and adaptability to paid games, we uncovered invaluable insights that shaped our understanding of this new gaming era. Further leveraging data, our focus extended to keyword personas through multiple layers of experiments on paid mediums. These experiments unveiled distinct sets of keywords that delineated and influenced user segments engaging in casual games versus those delving into the realm of real cash games. This granular understanding empowered us to tailor our creative strategies, ensuring resonance and engagement within specific gaming segments.


In the intricate tapestry of digital marketing, our strategy unfolds as a harmonious blend of science and art, weaving a narrative that captivates the hearts and minds of our audience. This magical fusion is meticulously crafted through the synergy of research, ongoing experiments, and data consumption, each playing a crucial role in shaping our creative thought-process. 1. Research and Marketing Intelligence: Games24x7, boasting over a decade of experience, forms the bedrock of our research and marketing intelligence. With a profound understanding of Play Store dynamics, we conducted deep dives into user personas, honed over years of interaction. This informed exploration empowered us to discern intricate player preferences, enabling the crafting of strategies bespoke to the expectations and aspirations of Rummy Circle and My11Circle enthusiasts. 2. Ongoing Experiments: Recognizing the pivotal role of conversion rates in Google's algorithm, our journey encompassed a continuous cycle of experiments. Multiple tools were deployed to fine-tune our messaging and conversion strategies at every touchpoint in the user journey. This dynamic experimentation aimed at not only adhering to industry best practices but surpassing them, ensuring elevated user engagement and retention. 3. Data Consumption for Decision Making: Our commitment to data-driven decision-making materialized through the utilization of best-in-class tools. This went beyond understanding user preferences to a comprehensive analysis of niche dynamics and competitive landscapes. The data became a guiding beacon, steering our initiatives to new heights of scalability and precision. From discerning trends at city and language levels to evaluating performance at micro-levels, our data consumption practices allowed for nuanced campaign crafting, ensuring relevance and resonance with diverse audience segments. In essence, our creative journey stands as a testament to the meticulous integration of research, experimentation, and data consumption, shaping a narrative that transcends the boundaries of conventional marketing, capturing attention, and fostering meaningful connections with


1. Focused Keyword Strategy: Our research-driven approach led us to channel our efforts towards optimizing our presence for the top 30 non-branded keywords. Backed by extensive user persona research, these keywords emerged as the most impactful for user searches, becoming the focal point of our ranking endeavour's. 2. Medium Optimization and Algorithm Understanding: Building upon the keyword research, our aim expanded to optimize our presence across all user-accessible mediums—iOS, Android, and web. Our strategy delved deeper into comprehending the algorithms governing these platforms. Utilizing various tools and analyzing competition data and trends, we sought to decipher their operational nuances and growth trajectories. 3. Guideline Adherence and Effective Campaigns: Aligning with Google guidelines, our strategies were fine-tuned through an in-depth understanding of consumer behavior, competition dynamics, and ongoing experiments. This alignment empowered us to scale and channelize our campaigns effectively, ensuring optimal market positioning. Closing Insights: In the domain of rankings, our distinctive strength lies in dominating the most generic and non-branded keywords across all accessible mediums. This strategic organic dominance has cemented our market share significantly, distinguishing us as unparalleled leaders. Regarding traffic and installs, the momentum mirrors the growth of our rankings. Our non-branded installs organically grow at a compounded 10% month-on-month, translating into a three-figure percentile growth annually. This robust organic growth signifies the success and effectiveness of our strategies in driving substantial traffic and user acquisitions. In essence, our focused keyword strategy, multi-medium optimization, adherence to guidelines, and exceptional organic growth underscore our market dominance and sustained success in the dynamic landscape of digital acquisition.


Games24x7, Games24x7, SEO Optimization, 2023, Sparkies, Silver