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Case Study


From being a late-night binge to a daytime delight. From being an after-party ritual to the party starter.


The Challenge - We realized Maggi was not the first choice, but it was becoming the last resort in moments of light hunger today. This was a worrying trend for the brand and was beginning to reflect in its Salience scores. Business Objective - To grow Maggi's Volume growth rate with Youth that was stagnating. KPI: Volume growth rate with Youth cohort. The instant noodle category is seeing an average 5-6% increase in consumption as per industry reports. Any volume growth that Maggi was clocking with its highest consuming TG was in tandem with this. So, in effect volume growth with Youth had stagnated.


Maggi is India's favorite. Everyone would agree, in times of need Maggi comes to the rescue. These savior stories had created memorable moments with the brand but were becoming its weakness. Today Maggi's highest consuming TG - Youth, was seeing it more as a last resort versus a first choice in moments of light hunger. With food delivery apps becoming their go-to for most food occasions. We fought for Maggi's share of occasions with a multi-pronged campaign. And were effective in growing Maggi consumption with Youth by an astounding 35%. Achieving highest ever monthly penetration for Maggi!


THE CHALLENGE: Youth's Maggi consumption occasions were becoming more about Moments of Hunger versus Moments of Indulgence. We realized we needed to pull Maggi out of its rescuer role. We needed to reframe Maggi from being the last resort to the first choice. INSIGHT: To youth Maggi is more than food, it is an Emotion, it is a Mood. The Strategy - ARMED WITH MAGGI'S MUCH-LOVED TASTE & BRAND LOVE, WE DECIDED TO CHALLENGE FIRST CHOICE ASSOCIATIONS ACROSS YOUTH RELEVANT OCCASIONS. To win more share of Youth occasions, the comms task was to singularly drive Salience with youth. To that effect the key components of the campaign were hinged around events, locations and platforms that were youth relevant and where food was central to the experience. The primary intent of the campaign was to pull Maggi out of the rescuer role it had fallen into by planting it in moments of everyday fun. To achieve this we targeted a mix of occasions - Quintessential Maggi moments - like baarish/pahaad. Here our effort was to leverage Youth's organic associations and ritualize Maggi consumption in these moments. Frequency drivers for other food categories - like OTT viewing and Cricket. Here our effort was to trigger Maggi consumption in these moments to gain share of occasion.


Monthly penetration was a good indicator of Maggi's share of Youth's consumption occasions. Essentially it gave a sense of on how many occasions was youth making Maggi versus ordering from popular food delivery apps. Post Campaign, Maggi saw an astounding 35% Increase in Consumption in Households with Youth.



Youth is Maggi's highest consuming TG and currently accounts for close to 40% of Maggi consumption. Of their 4 (average) noodle consumption occasions in a month, Maggi already commands 2-3, while 1 is with newer/variety noodles. In effect Maggi, already has an enviable share of occasions with Youth. Our campaign sought to reframe Maggi associations from being a last resort to becoming the first choice in moments of light hunger. The objective was to impact brand associations with Youth, marking incremental gains in consumption as an outcome of this. But what the campaign achieved was an unprecedented increase in consumption with Youth - surpassing Maggi's volume growth in households with Youth even through covid!


Nestle India, McCann Worldgroup India/MRM India, FOOD & BEVERAGE, 2023, ECHO, Silver