From Maggi lovers to Maggi Moms

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Case Study


From Maggi lovers to Maggi Moms - Maggi as an ally to Moms


OBJECTIVE - To protect Maggi's franchise for the future it was critical for us to win the permission of today's Millennial Moms in sharing the joy of Maggi with their kids. Business Challenge - Winning Millennial Moms permission to let their kids have more Maggi. KPI - Volume growth in Households with Kids and Teens. Maggi has a lower share in households with kids versus households without kids. For the brand to secure its dominance it needed to recruit the next generation of Maggi lovers. And for this it was critical to win the permission of the gatekeeper Moms. Benchmark - Maggi volume and penetration growth numbers.


Today Maggi has a lower share in households with kids versus households without kids. 80's kids who have grown up on Maggi, are millennial parents today who are reluctant to give their kids Maggi. The brand had to convince the very people whose love for it made it the behemoth brand that it is today, to allow their kids to share in the joy of Maggi. Maggi is at an inflection point, up against the Millennial Moms of today. We successfully recalibrated the brand narrative to change what Maggi meant to protect the future of its franchise.


Even though Maggi has always addressed Moms as the gatekeeper of the household, her relationship with Maggi has always been difficult. The fact is kids love the great taste of Maggi, but moms have always seen it as a guilty indulgence. And today, there is an explosion of 'better for you' brands, touting healthier/ guilt free alternatives to everyone's favorite foods. Nudging moms to let go of the brands that they have grown up with for new age alternatives. New age brands were built on un-junking our favorite foods and were marketing better ingredients, better nourishment. But they also ended up qualifying the moms that choose them as better moms for making better choices. For Maggi to protect is franchise and its strong equity with Moms that it had built over 40 years, we needed to reassert her belief in her childhood favorite brand and assure her of its suitability to be her child's favorite too. We needed to define what being a Maggi mother signaled about her as a Mom. Every mom wants to raise better kids and in that her idea of nutrition is not limited to just food. The idea was hinged in the fact that Millennial moms didn't need to be convinced of Maggi as a product. She was a Maggi lover herself. She has fond childhood memories of Maggi. And she finds a warm bowl of Maggi irresistible even today as an adult. We needed her to see Maggi as her ally. This emotional resonance would earn us her permission to make Maggi her child's favorite food as well. we used all new creative output as our platform to partner Millennial moms.





Considering the challenge surfaced only over a past 5 year comparison, our solution was in essence a crucial recalibration of how Maggi addressed Millennial moms. We were not expecting our campaign efforts to have any immediate impact on business. So, the shifts we saw in key business and brands metrics over a quarterly & 1 year period were astounding and not something brands this size achieve often. Especially without any change in other operating factors like distribution, promotions, etc


Nestle India, McCann Worldgroup India/MRM India, FOOD & BEVERAGE, 2023, ECHO