Bingo Meme Premier League

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Case Study


Cracking the Code to Gen-Z Engagement: Bingo! Hashtags broke through the clutter with a meme-tastic campaign that resonated with Gen-Z. By leveraging the power of memes, real-time content creation, and data-driven decision-making, the campaign achieved a reach of over 275 million, generated 30 million engagements, and drove a 1000% increase in non-participating meme page engagement. This campaign wasn't just about following trends; it was about setting them.


Bingo Hashtags was a new launch in the Bingo portfolio. Objectives: Increase brand awareness of Bingo! Hashtags chips among Gen-Z consumers. We also needed to create an internet ready voice for Bingo! Hashtags. Improve brand perception of Bingo! Hashtags as a fun and trendy brand. The brand communication is around its form factor- which is a hashtag and its meaning and significance to its TG which is going TRENDING. The idea was to establish the same and get trending without looking like a forced brand push. Drive sales of Bingo! Hashtags chips. Business Challenges: Reach the target audience of Gen-Z consumers, who are notoriously difficult to reach with traditional marketing methods. To marry brand integration with organic conversation points seamlessly. Measure the success of the campaign in a way that is accurate and reliable. Optimize the campaign in real-time to improve its performance. Catalyst for Data Strategy: The catalyst for the development of the data strategy was the need for a more effective way to reach and engage Gen-Z consumers. Data has proven to be a powerful tool for understanding and targeting this demographic, and the campaign team believed that it could be used to develop a more effective campaign.


Environment: Memes have become a popular form of communication, especially among Gen-Z which is the TG of the brand, and brands are increasingly using them to connect with this demographic. IPL is famous for Cricket and also for its Memes-worthy moments. Need: Bingo! Hashtags is a new product from ITC Foods, and the company needed to find a way to raise awareness of the product among its target audience of Gen-Z consumers who constantly filters out promoted material and conventional ads. Role of Data: Marry brand integration with organic conversation points of IPL memes to draw TGs, even non-cricket fans. Target the right audience identifying the most popular meme pages among Gen-Z and people interested in cricket. Converted memes into social media billboards, generating meaningful online engagement and subtly reshaping the branded content landscape. Tracked the reach, engagement, and virality of the campaign. Made real-time changes to the campaign to improve its performance. Driving Business Growth: Increased brand awareness: The campaign reached 260 million+ people and generated 26.5 million+ engagements. Improved brand perception: The campaign helped position Bingo! Hashtags as a fun and trendy brand. Increased sales: The campaign helped to drive sales of Bingo! Hashtags chips.


Vision: Create a unique and engaging way to reach and connect with Gen-Z consumers. We believed that using memes, the campaign would resonate with this demographic and help to position Bingo! Hashtags as a fun brand. Key Decisions: We made sure that the entire Internet was aware of the meme league, with daily stories on the biggest Indian Meme pages that were strategically selected based on their TG and other demographic insights. The Meme League captured every real-time meme from IPL to become the conversation starter for the GenZ watching IPL and generated UGCs, giving the brand and the campaign instant credibility. Created an IP for Meme Review, showcasing the best memes of each week. This was hosted on the channels of ZaidZiz, Bingo! Snacks and GamerFleet bringing in more fan followings. Utilised the Voxpop format of interviewing people, engaging them with Bingo! Hashtags and cricket trivia. This was circulated internet-wide garnering hundreds of thousands of views and VTR of approximately 75%. Created a 40 second long recap video for the entire activity for viewers to understand the scale of the Meme League Created an Instagram meme template in collaboration with Puneet Superstar giving us great UGC. The template covered content from gaming to the latest World Test Cricket championship and went viral for months after campaign completion Diversified reach and engagement through a variety of content formats, including YouTube reviews, street interviews, and a meme league. 1000s of non participating Meme pages joined the campaign organically using the branded meme templates taking to viral levels with 275 Million Organic Reach and 24.5 Million Organic Engagement Used a variety of data analytics tools to track the reach, engagement, and virality of the campaign. We turned every IPL cricketer to our brand ambassador with Zero spending.


Bingo Tedhe Medhe was the first snacks brand in India and within the first few FMCG brand in India to leverage the potential of Generative AI in communicating the brand proposition contextually connecting with its TG, in a personalised manner. While the other brands were still anticipating and analysing Generative AI, Tedhe Medhe pulled off a successful campaign in a small budgetThe brand proposition of Eat Phir Repeat built on the context of irresistible snack craving in the weirdest of the moment got reinforced with the TG submitting their such snack craving moments in communicating with the brand.



Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): 23% Uptick in sales. The campaign reached over 275 million people organically. The campaign generated over 24.5 million organic engagement and 34 million plus total engagements. The cost per reach for the campaign was Rs. 0.01, much lower than the industry standard of Rs. 0.1. 1900+ memes were made by non-participating pages for the meme league with ZERO incentive. Total views on Youtube – 1Mn+ (Achieved at 1/4th the industry standard budget using a similar caliber of creators). Approx 150 bps increase in spontaneous recall. Puneet Superstar meme template went viral with people using it organically even 3 months after the campaign. Impact on Brand Building and Business Growth: The campaign helped to increase brand awareness of Bingo! Hashtags chips among Gen-Z consumers. The campaign helped to improve brand perception of Bingo! Hashtags as a fun and trendy brand. The campaign helped to drive sales of Bingo! Hashtags chips.


ITC Limited, White Rivers Media, FOOD & BEVERAGE, 2023, ECHO, Gold