Crafting Digestive Wellness with ITC Aashirvaad Multigrain Atta

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Case Study


By launching the "Roz khao Fibre waali Roti" supplemented with content strategy and Happy Tummy website Multigrain atta was able to position itself as a digestive health leader in the minds of consumers by taking taking the fibre route and establishing itself as a thought leader when it comes to gut health and how multigrain atta can contribute 35% of your overall daily fibre needs.


Consumers look at Digestive Health as a critical segment of their lives but do not always give it the due attention it needs. Digestive Health ranked as high or just below immunity on the list of health priorities for consumers. The key markers of digestive wellness that were identified were: 1. Fibre-rich food is highly associated with avoiding constipation and ensuring good digestive health. 2. Can help avoid hunger pangs 3. People living in sedentary modes need fibre and fitness 4. Consumers realize fruits and vegetables as sources of fibre – roti and multigrain roti in particular is high in fibre needs to communicated to consumers For the purpose of building association of Multigrain Atta with Digestion, we curated 6 thematic videos based on user needs: 1. Sedentary Lifestyle and need for fibre 2. Fibre in rotis, not just fruits and vegetables 3. Lack of fibre leads to hunger pangs 4. Fibre aids digestion 5. 3 chapatis = 25% daily fibre requirement 6. Check your Digestive Quotient, DQ An overall full funnel Digital Media plan was then launched as part of the branding exercise to convert users towards Multigrain Atta by solving their Fibre needs.


Digestion is a marker for overall health for consumers who realize it to be a critical segment in their lives. However, to become a thought-leader in this space there has to be a significant value-add across the consumer journey. Hence, the objective of the campaign was to create assets with content marketing at its core, in order to build association of multigrain atta with fibre & digestion. This would help us build mind measures around fibre for the brand which we believe will be pivotal in scaling up the brand. We launched Happy Tummy as the website to drive this objective.


Consumers look at Digestive Health as a critical segment of their lives but do not always give it the due attention it needs. They don't know What, Why and How much fibre do they need daily to lead a healthy life. ITC Multigrain Atta tackled this overlooked aspect of digestive health, launching "Roz khao Fibre wali roti" to educate consumers on fiber essentials. We launched 6 different communications tackling different facets of digestion on the awareness front building brand association. Simultaneously, "Happy Tummy" website was launched; aimed to establish thought leadership in the space of digestion. To enhance engagement on the platform, apart from existing Digestive Quotient (DQ) test two new features were introduced. 1. The Fibre Meter & Meal Plan - allowed users to assess daily fiber intake against recommended RDA levels, providing a free multigrain chapati-infused meal plan. 2. Ask An Expert - enabled users to pose digestive health questions answered within 24 hours by a nutritionist, with Multigrain Atta recommended in relevant responses. These initiatives not only increased website engagement and mind measures but also reduced Customer Acquisition Costs through enhanced organic traffic. To support our Digital efforts, a supplementary TV campaign with only HD channels was launched covering over 3000 spots in 4 weeks; on World Digestive day advertorials in leading newspapers were launched along with QR codes that could be scanned by users re-directing them to the Happy Tummy website.


The story of creating thought leadership in the space of digestion and owning the fibre story has helped the brand become a leader in the space of multigrain atta. The strategy to position MG atta as a brand that takes care of your daily fibre needs has resulted in brand achieving stellar growth in business YoY with the brand seeing over 23% growth in brand value.



With over 2 Bn impressions served on the Roz Khao Fibre waali Roti campaign the brand established a staggering 39.8Mn Unique reach in the targeted consumer cohorts with BLS studies showing a spectacular 9.5pts uplift on the Brand Recall vis a vis a benchmark of ~4.5pts. Additionally we were able to generate 3.1Mn unique visitors to Happy tummy website and overall 0.6Mn people ended up taking the DQ test, 95K+ Free meal plans were generated and downloaded by consumers, 4000+ questions were asked and answered on "Ask an Expert" and 45K+ appointments were successfully booked with nutritionists. The overall effort resulted in 23% increase in revenue for the brand!


ITC Limited, Performics India, FOOD & BEVERAGE, 2023, ECHO