Geneo Identical Boys from Schoolnet

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Case Study


Geneo ‘Identical Boys' campaign is a story of being able to find a consumer insight in the midst of a crowded marketplace. Then being able to land a proposition that balances the functional & emotional benefits. And knitting that together into a story that vivifies the proposition – in this case using Identical boys which is visually integral to the communication.


Geneo is a K12 Edtech App led offering from Schoolnet. We were relaunching this nationally in midst of a still thriving K12 Edtech App market with brands spending huge amounts of money in building their brand. Our story had a familiar ring to it. Our competitors were spending 10s and 100s of crores and we were re-entering the market with a meagre war chest in comparison. We had to have a unique story to get cut-through, in what looked like a really crowded market. And we needed to build the brand with far lower media spends to support us. The Geneo App was feature rich but most of these features were available among many competitors as well, however, we had to repackage these features into building a unique story for Geneo.


Objectives included increasing brand awareness, driving engagement, and showcasing Geneo's AI-driven learning capabilities. We were entering a crowded edtech market with a product, which was largely similar to the other products in the market. And considering how crowded and aggressive the market was, we definitely needed to find a unique way to tell our story so that we could be heard. Our challenge was to drive up brand awareness and consumer relevance. Thereby helping to influence app downloads, sign ups, paid subscriptions, engagement, etc.


The consumer insight that we unearthed was that most parents are very competitive and want their child to do well. But increasingly they were beginning to realise that the all children are not the same. They have different skills and capabilities in general and importantly each of them learns differently. They definitely feel that their own child is unique when it comes to his or her learning approach. The insight combined well with the AI driven functional capability of the product. This AI prowess allowed children to pace their learn according to their ability to grasp different subjects. Geneo is directly aligned with the student's school curriculum and offers seamless in- school and after-school education. Rich with features like AI-based learning, digital textbooks, multimedia 3D videos, live teacher-led classes, model tests, and a practice engine for thorough revision – it helps students with varied learning capabilities helping them learn according to their comfort. We captured this in the expression – ‘Geneo – Because Every Child Learns Differently'. The core part of the communication approach built on the story that "Every child is different, and every child learns differently," through a thought-provoking film. The film used identical looking boys to exaggerate the point that children are all different and unique. At the national level, we didn't have the budgets for Television so our approach was to be dominantly digital led. The film was accompanied by a slew of other activities on social media. Activity #1 - Engagement Post We asked the audience a simple question…And in no time, the comments started rolling in Activity #2 Teasing the audience again… with an imaginative scenario Activity #3 - Teaser Film


The data sources include all digital data including – Google analytics, Keyword data, SEO data, Social Media data, App download data, in App interaction data etc.


This is again the story of being able to find a consumer insight in the midst of a crowded marketplace. And then being able to land a functional + emotional proposition. The use of a vivid way of telling the story – in this case the identical looking boys – helped to get a lot of consumer attention in a digital landscape which is suffering the impact of low attention spans. The general belief which we propagate is that in this attention economy, if you cant get consumer attention, you can't possibly help build the brand. Therefore its critical to create vivid storytelling formats that grab attention before you can really deliver the brand message. The Identical Boys campaign for Geneo did just that


The campaign garnered * 2.7 million YouTube views and * 800k+ on Facebook and Instagram, supported with widespread engagement. * The 100% video completion rates on YouTube were a whopping 35% for a 45 second video. This is a significant tick for the likeability of the communication. * Social media channels saw a 40% increase in followers within a couple of months, indicating a very positive reception. * The measurable goals were surpassed, with KPIs showing increased brand visibility, enhanced follower count, and heightened app adoption. The impact was significant, in the midst of a crumbling EdTech landscape


Schoolnet, Tidal7, Video & FIlms, 2023, Sparkies, Silver