Dil Filmy Toh Suno Filmy

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Case Study


Inspite of being 8th player to launch in India, Spotify has taken the lead in the category wrt. streams, music consumption in the first quarter of 2022. But there was room for more growth. Our key challenge was to accelerate growth after 3 years of steady success, to become the undisputed leader in the category.


Inspite of being 8th player to launch in India, Spotify has taken the lead in the category wrt. streams, music consumption in the first quarter of 2022. But there was room for more growth. Our key challenge was to accelerate growth after 3 years of steady success, to become the undisputed leader in the category. We had a KPI of not only increasing New Installs, Registrations and MAU but also moving the needle on the brand health metrics.


Our consumers saw no difference between the various apps available to him. To resonate with them we needed to own the role that music played in their lives, on a platform that mattered to them. Our media choices had to ensure every audience demographic was engaged - from major metros to the tier 3 towns in India's heartland.


We chose IPL over any other cricketing property for its stature and because it gave us the opportunity to localise content to specific markets without taking away from the universal appeal of the property. While the core plan was built around IPL on Hotstar, we knew that despite its size, IPL reaches out to only 50% of our audience, therefore we built a plan to drive incremental reach over and above the Hotstar viewer. To identify key digital touchpoints, we used several tools and data insights and designed unique solutions to target them differently. Identified audience personas and city-specific insights for precision targeting to reach untapped markets and optimize campaign ROI. Customised ad units and media channels based on users' mobile inventory and tech capabilities. Used in-market and contextual audience layering to target mobile users based on behaviour and content consumption patterns.


THE CATEGORY/CONSUMER INSIGHT There are a few loves that bind all Indians, music, movies, and cricket. Of the three, the former two still come with the conditions of regional nuances and personal preference. But that one interest that connects every Indian regardless of nuance? Cricket! When there's a cricket match on, everyone crowds around a TV. Our cricketing heroes find fans in opposition teams as well as in their own. Cricket is the biggest unifier in this country and it was the perfect interest that we could leverage when it came to our media choices.



We reached ~142 Mn users, 70%of our HVAs (at a frequency of 16) using focused content across top platforms. A whopping ~15% growth of Spotify MAUs.  Within 4 weeks of IPL we had grown TOMA by 5%pts, Total Awareness by 4%pts and Brand Affinity by 7%pts. Something most brands don't achieve in a full year! 11.9 Bn streams happened during the campaign leading to a 66% jump for the HSM market in comparison to one of their biggest campaigns (Dil Filmy toh Suno Filmy) The GenZ grew exceptionally, by 25%


Spotify India, Interactive Avenues Pvt. Ltd., INTEGRATED CAMPAIGN, 2023, ECHO