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Stay Relevant To Grow At Scale

The marketer's agenda is to influence the customer's mind. This can be done by creating a relevant connection between the minds of the customers and your brand promise or product features. Read More


Birds Eye View

Apurva Chamaria View: Fair practice code is a great way to deliver a consistent customer experience. Don't do to your customers what you wouldn't like Read More

Trending Prespectives

CX Superpowers

What are CX Superpowers?CX superpowers are the abilities that allow brands to create amazing customer experiences. They can be anything from the ability to listen to customers to the ability to deligh... Read More

Marketing in the Shifting Landscape of Generational Media Habits

Marketing in the Shifting Landscape of Generational Media HabitsThe world of media consumption has shifted dramatically in recent years, with the rise of digital media, the increasing popularity of so... Read More

Disrupting Trends in Digital Advertising in India

Rise of Videos as the Desired Form of ContentVideos are fast emerging as the most popular form of Content for online consumption across the entertainment, news & educational sectors. A well made, enga... Read More

AI vs HI: The Changing Face of Conversation Marketing

As the marketing landscape has evolved, businesses have recognized the importance of building authentic connections with their customers to drive growth. Conversation marketing, a strategy that focuse... Read More

Digital, hyper-personalized and purposeful

The current marketing trends are hyper focused on individuals as well as society at largeEnterprises globally and across the board, including the financial services sector, are constantly displaying g... Read More